Photo of Bell 206B-II Jet Ranger II, EI-ONE, Helicopter Sales Leasing Ltd

This picture is © Andy Mac and may not be used or published without permission.

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Type: Bell 206B-II Jet Ranger II
Aircraft Reg: EI-ONE
MSN / CN: 1761

Operator: Helicopter Sales Leasing Ltd

Picture Category: Helicopter

Picture ID: 1002486
Location: Weston (EIWT)
Country: Ireland
Date: 11th August 2002
Andy Mac
Because there is no name or email address supplied with this picture you will have to contact Frank instead. Contact Frank
Comments: Bell 206B-2 EI-ONE, c/n 1761, of Helicopter Sales Leasing Ltd., photographed at Weston on 11 August 2002. EI-ONE crashed near Lispole, Co.Kerry, just after 19:00 local time, 28 August, killing the pilot, the only person on board. The B.206 was routing Farranfore - Tralee Racecourse (having flown from Weston earlier) and appears to have gone off course while flying VFR in poor visibility, although one report suggests that after stopping in Farranfore it landed in a field near Dingle and then headed for the racecourse at Tralee. There was heavy fog reported at the time in the area. The B.206 hit the side of the mountain range north of Lispole on the Dingle peninsula and burned out.