Photo of Aerospatiale SA365Fi Dauphin II, 246, Irish Air Corps

This picture is © Jerome Rafferty and may not be used or published without permission.

Hits since added on 5th June 2003:     852
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Type: Aerospatiale SA365Fi Dauphin II
Aircraft Reg: 246
MSN / CN: 6181

Operator: Irish Air Corps
Unit / Wing: 301 Sqn - SAR Sqn / No 3 Operations Wing

Picture Category: SAR Helicopter

Picture ID: 1000468
Location: In Flight
Country: UK - Northern Ireland
Date: 28th June 2002
Jerome Rafferty
Click here to send Jerome Rafferty an email Contact Jerome Rafferty
Comments: Here is a photograph that I managed to take of Irish 246 departing 'Armagh' on the 28th June 2002. I was at home when I heard the noise of the helicopter and ran out with my camera and just grabbed this shot. Bertie Ahern can be seen with his back to the window!